🐉In the Eye of the Dragon on ICI Radio-Canada Télé, this evening, from 8 p.m.🐉

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Un peu de nous et un peu de vous

A little bit of us and you

At TOPTOP, we have very strong values and convictions that we proudly assume. We want to spread a message and a wave of love to all generations. We are convinced that amazing things can happen when we love each other and also when we accept others, no matter what differences. We all have our place and we all have a major role to play in our own lives and in the lives of others. Alone we are a drop, but together we are an ocean.

The idea of the blog came naturally to us when we realized that we were exposing teenage girls on social networks. Obviously, the issue of hypersexualization, self-esteem, support, difference, but also bullying touched us particularly. We knew that we were dealing with sensitive topics and that these topics would bring out a variety of emotions.

The age of 10 is recognized as a pivotal time for physical, psychological, sexual and emotional changes. Adolescents need a lot of support to develop in a balanced way. For most, the first example they receive is the parent's confidence in themselves. It will unknowingly have a huge impact on their child.

I remember when I was young, how embarrassed I was to show my body in a bathing suit when I was developing hormones. I would bathe in my t-shirt to hide myself. Body development is not taboo. It is a reality.

Rachel and I are both moms. Rachel has a daughter and a son who are both teenagers. I am the mother of three girls, ages 5 to 10. We are aware of the challenges that await us.

When we created TOPTOP, it was obvious to us that our mission should be to support and demystify all the issues that affect teenagers, mothers and women in general.

To do this, we have surrounded ourselves with professionals and outstanding communicators to address one of the biggest issues affecting the teenage girl and women.

Follow us on our future podcasts with some of the most knowledgeable guests on the subject who will help you understand a reality that is sometimes difficult to clarify.

We tell you : we have quite an adventure ahead of us and we are very proud that you are here with us to live it.

Thank you for being with us and for following us. xx

Stephanie Rousseau - President TOPTOP OUTFIT Inc.


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