🐉In the Eye of the Dragon on ICI Radio-Canada Télé, this evening, from 8 p.m.🐉

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About Toptop

TOPTOP Outfit, designed in Quebec, celebrates diversity and authenticity by providing comfort and support for all, inspiring pride and confidence every day.

The start

TOPTOP Outfit starts with a vibrant offering of sports bras, founded by Rachel Frigon, Stéphanie Rousseau, and Éric Morel. Their mission: to provide a product that combines beauty, comfort and support, boosting the confidence of each customer.

Origin and Vision
The idea was born from Rachel, a CrossFit enthusiast who was dissatisfied with the bras available. After designing the perfect product, enriched by feedback from won over friends, the project comes to life. The arrival of Stéphanie and Éric propels TOPTOP, thanks to their artistic and commercial expertise.

Local Manufacturing and Impact
Produced in Montreal by Au Noir, the first collections aim to test the market, with the ambition of rapid expansion. The bras, available in various colors, will soon be accompanied by derivative products, reflecting the unique personality of each woman.

Our values

Empowerment and Inclusivity
Rachel, touched by the challenges of her daughter's adolescence, aspires to build confidence and self-acceptance in young people and adults. TOPTOP celebrates diversity and uniqueness, with the mantra “Be your greatest strength”.

Professional and Ethical Commitment
The trio is committed to presenting TOPTOP in a professional and ethical manner, with particular attention to diverse representation and positive image. Photoshoots are conducted with parental consent and involvement for minor models, ensuring a respectable and inspiring image.

TOPTOP Outfit establishes itself as a brand that values ​​comfort, style, and empowerment, while committing to an authentic and positive representation of all women.


Que dirais-tu que ta commande soit envoyée dans un emballage réutilisable ?

How about your order being sent in reusable packaging?

Pour te remercier de choisir cette option écologique et québécoise, tu obtiendras 5$ de rabais sur ta prochaine commande*

Prendre note que certains produits ne sont pas encore admissibles à la livraison PickPack
Please note that some products are not yet eligible for PickPack delivery

PickPack est une solution écologique et québécoise qui permet de faire la différence pour notre planète.

Comment ça fonctionne? How does it works?
1. Choisis l’option OUI JE VEUX FAIRE LA DIFFÉRENCE (supplément de 3,99$)
2. Après avoir reçu ton colis, retourne l’emballage GRATUITEMENT dans n’importe quelle boîte postale ou comptoir Postes Canada
3. Obtiens de rabais sur ta prochaine commande

Voir la procédure de retour (Collaboration avec Postes Canada)

View the return procedure (Collaboration with Canada Posts)

Ma commande PickPack sera livrée au Canada

My PickPack order will be delivered to Canada

Optez pour une
livraison 0 déchet

Choose a zero-waste
delivery option

*Certains produits ne sont pas encore admissibles à la livraison pickpack
*Some products are not yet eligible for PickPack delivery

Ma commande sera livrée au Canada

My order will be delivered to Canada

Ma commande sera livrée au Canada

My order will be delivered to Canada

*Vous devez choisir l'option ET retourner votre emballage tel que convenu.
*You must choose the PickPack option AND return your packaging as agreed.